How often is Celebrations published?
We publish four issues a year, and each issue is 128 pages.
When can I expect to receive my first issue?
All subscriptions begin with the upcoming print issue, though you will receive the digital issues (and other digital content) included with your subscription immediately.
Can I buy a single issue of Celebrations!
Of course! Please visit our Shop to browse through the library of available back issues.
What if I have more questions or a specific problem with my order?
Please send us an email and we will be happy to help you with your questions!
Will my subscription automatically renew?
Yes, your subscription will automatically renew every year without interruption for as long as you wish, so you won’t miss any Disney magic! You will receive a confirmation of your renewed subscription when it automatically renews, and you may turn off auto-renew at any time. (See “How do I cancel my subscription?” below.)
Can I order a non-renewing subscription or a Gift Subscription?
Sure! You can order a non-renewing subscription (either for yourself or as a gift) by clicking here. We will send you an email reminder when your subscription is about to expire, and you’ll also receive a notice with your last issue. That way you can renew and not miss any of the magic.
If I order a gift subscription, will the recipient get an automatic email confirmation? I want to keep this a surprise!
No worries, your gift recipient won’t receive an automatic email about your gift. You’ll get an email receipt (as usual) for your purchase, and this will also include the free digital giveaways. You can forward this to your gift recipient however you’d like.
If I give someone a gift subscription, will they automatically get the digital version as well?
All subscriptions, including gift subscriptions, include access to the corresponding digital versions of each issue. If you would like your gift recipient to automatically receive those, be sure to include their email address as an “Order Note” when you check out. (You’ll notice that you can change the shipping address as you check out, but our shopping cart doesn’t ordinarily provide a space for you to add an email address). Don’t worry though, your gift recipient won’t get an automatic email receipt; the email address will just be used to send future digital issues.
What countries do you ship to?
For print subscriptions, we only ship to the United States and Canada. We can provide you with pricing options if you would like to receive the print version internationally, just send us a note and we can calculate the price for you.
I’m trying to log in to my account, but I get a message saying that no such account exists.
We have a whole new shopping cart, filled with lots of new features. Because it’s a new cart, you’ll need to create a new account (even if you’ve made purchases in the past). It’s easy to do! On the checkout page, you’ll see a section to create your password (you can subsequently login with your email address as your username).
How do I log in to my account?
Click the “Customer Login” link in the top menu bar (or click here).
I purchased some digital back issues of Celebrations with my new subscription. Can I access them from my account?
Sure! Once you login, you’ll be taken to your Celebrations Membership Home Page. Simply click on “Downloads” in the left-hand menu to see all of your purchased and free digital issues, as well as any other digital products you may have purchased.
Will I be notified when a new digital issue of Celebrations is published?
Yes! We’ll send you an email with a link to the latest issue as soon as it’s published. New issues are also automatically added to the “Downloads” area in your Membership Home Page.
Can I download the digital issues to my computer?
Absolutely! You can download the PDF issues to your computer, laptop, or mobile device so that you can read them wherever you go.
How do I cancel my subscription?
Simply log in to your account and select “Subscriptions” in the left-hand menu. There you will see a list of your active subscriptions. Click the “View” button of the subscription you’d like to cancel. This will bring up the details of your order, including options to update your address, change your payment plan, or cancel your subscription.
Please note that if you cancel your subscription, the links to your digital issues will be removed from your “Downloads” area. If you haven’t downloaded those issues and would like those links again, just send us an email and we will forward you the proper links for your collection. (If you’ve previously downloaded your issues then no worries…your downloaded files will be safe and sound.)
How can I change my mailing address for my subscription?
Login to your account (by clicking “Customer Login”) and click on Addresses. Here you can update both your billing address and your shipping address.
*Please note: When updating your shipping address, be sure to check the box at the bottom of the form to update the address for all of your active subscriptions!
If you need to update your email address, click on Account Settings (you can also update your password here).
How can I change the mailing address for a gift subscription?
You can send us an email with the new address you would like update. You can also change an address by filling out our Change of Address form. (Just be sure to include the gift recipient’s name.)