50 Years of Space Mountain Adventures

50 years ago, Space Mountain arrived at the Magic Kingdom, forever changing the face of Tomorrowland (and providing would-be astronauts with the thrill of a lifetime!). Join us as we share 8 Fun Facts about this iconic attraction. Ready? Then let’s blast off!
1) Get Ready to Launch
Space Mountain is the oldest Walt Disney World roller coaster, and the oldest of the Magic Kingdom mountains. While the attraction we see today is totally self-contained, early concepts had the track weaving in and out of the show building, which would have made for some very impressive views!
2) We Have Lift Off!
On January 15, 1975, Space Mountain officially blasted off. Appropriately enough, the first mission pilot was astronaut Colonel James Irwin, who was the Lunar Module pilot on Apollo 15, which had landed on the Moon less than five years earlier. Irwin, along with Commander David Scott, were the first astronauts to use the Lunar Rover to drive across the Moon’s surface. You can see a replica of a Lunar Rover on display at Mission: SPACE in EPCOT.
3) That Iconic Roof
The distinctive beams on the exterior of Space Mountain aren’t just for decoration, they’re actually an integral part of the structure! While the beams would have typically been covered by the roofing material, the roof for Space Mountain was instead applied to the underside of the beams. Not only did this provide a flat surface for the projected stars, comets and meteors on the inside, it also added a decidedly futuristic look to attraction building.
4) Making the Trains Run on Time
A computerized “zone system” was employed in the new coaster, which controlled the flow of the multiple trains that would be operating on the same track. The system automatically maintained the proper interval between trains, controlling their speed with individual brake zones that could make adjustments depending on the weight and speed of the trains. Unlike the Matterhorn, Space Mountain didn’t utilize any boosters or retarders; instead relying solely on gravity to propel the trains after their initial climb.
5) Criss Cross
Space Mountain actually houses two tracks: Alpha, the left track, and Omega, the right track. The Alpha track is 10 feet (3.0 m) longer than the Omega track in order to permit the two tracks to cross each other.
6) Watch Out Cinderella!
The attraction building itself is a massive 300 feet in diameter. How big is that? If the building were centered over the Partners statue in front of Cinderella Castle, it would stretch from the end of Main Street, U.S.A. all the way up to the Castle Forecourt Stage! By comparison, the Disneyland version is only 200 feet in diameter.
7) Puns in Space
On the other hand, the area occupied by the Jungle Cruise is so expansive that you could fit all of Space Mountain inside, with enough room left over to squeeze in the Carousel of Progress for good measure. We can just imagine the jokes: “What do you call a space magician? A flying sorcerer.”
8) Oh, That’s What That Means!
As you enter Space Mountain while riding the Tomorrowland Transit Authority, keep an eye out for the “Starport Seven-Five” logo as you enter the dome. That’s a clever reference to the year 1975, when Space Mountain and the Tomorrowland Transit Authority first opened.
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