TRON Lightcycle/Run: By the Numbers

Top speed of the TRON Lightcycle, in miles per hour. That puts it in a virtual tie for the second-fastest attraction in Walt Disney World along with Cosmic Rewind. Only second fastest? Yep, the true Disney speed champ is still Test Track, be sure to hang on during those high-speed loops!
Length of the track, in feet. If you were to stretch that out it would reach all the way to Casey’s Corner on Main Street, U.S.A. and back again!
Weight of the all the steel used to construct the Lightcycle. Incidentally, that’s not in pounds. That’s tons!
Number of sections that make up the curved-wave canopy. Each section was strategically assembled as the pieces were put in place, with great attention paid to the alignment of the steel, welding, grinding, painting, and completion of the electrical work.
Height of the canopy, in feet. That makes it the 8th tallest attraction in all of Walt Disney World, and the 4th tallest in the Magic Kingdom. What beats it out? Cinderella Castle (of course), Big Thunder Mountain, and the nearby Space Mountain, whose spires rise nearly 80 feet taller.
Number of lights in the canopy. Dazzling? That would be the understatement of the century!
Footprint of the enter attraction, in acres. That makes it the largest expansion in the Magic Kingdom since the 2012 addition of New Fantasyland.
Number of Energy Gates you’ll pass through as you race through the Grid.
Number of inversions in the TRON Lightcycle/Run. To which the timid among us say, “whew.”
Year that TRON first appeared in a Disney park attraction. Though Shanghai Disneyland and the Magic Kingdom are now home to the Lightcycle Power Run coasters, the first attraction based on TRON was actually located in Disneyland. Anaheim’s version of the PeopleMover was refurbished in 1977 with the addition of the Superspeed Tunnel. This was located in the upper level of the building that was initially home to the Carousel of Progress and, at that time, was home to America Sings (and now houses the Star Wars Launch Bay). For its first five years, the Superspeed Tunnel featured a scene with racing cars projected on the walls surrounding the PeopleMover as you passed through the tunnel. This idea was similar in concept to the Superspeed tunnels that Guests would eventually experience in the World of Motion at EPCOT. After the success of TRON in 1982, the Superspeed Tunnel was updated with scenes from the film, and the attraction was rebranded as the PeopleMover Thru the World of TRON. And as you entered the tunnel, the narration changed from your pleasant female guide to an ominous male computer voice that said, “Warning! You have invaded the electronic realm of the Master Computer Program! Prepare for the Game Grid of TRON!” After your journey through the world of TRON, the same voice congratulated you on your survival: “You have escaped TRON’s game grid for now, users. But take heed, next time you may not fare so well…”