The Dapper Dans of Main Steet U.S.A.

There are lots of great barbershop quartets out there, but if you’re looking for the pinnacle of the art I think there’s only one way to go: The Dapper Dans. There’s nothing quite like standing on Main Street U.S.A. and listening to the Dans sing songs like Shine on Harvest Moon or Coney Island Washboard.
The group’s original incarnation was formed in Disneyland. Park Talent Manager Chuck Corson recruited members of Fred Waring and his Pennsylvanians to be part of the group, which debuted in 1957. However, the group as we know it now didn’t come about until 1959. That’s when talent director Sonny Anderson transformed them from a musical act only, into the singing, dancing, joking quartet we know today. The first lineup consisted of John Borneman, Roger Axworthy, T.J. Marker, and Ted Nichols.
Walt Disney, always a fan of Americana, loved the Dapper Dans, and was responsible for the group’s four seat, tandem bicycle. The Walt Disney World incarnation of the group used the bicycle for many years as well, until crowds at the park made it impractical.
Dans member Charles “Bub” Thomas introduced the Dans to the Deagan Chimes, which are now an omnipresent part of every Dans’ performance. Thomas was also one of Walt Disney World’s original Dans, alongside Dick Kneeland, Jerry Siggins, and Bob Mathis. They performed at the park’s grand opening on October 25, 1971.
For many years, you could be entertained by the Dans while getting a haircut at the Harmony Barbershop. Though the practice ended in 2001, you can still hear them croon on Main Street. They sing, play on their chimes, banter with the audience, and sometimes are even joined by the Citizens of Main Street for a song or two.
Their repertoire ranges from melodies out of the Great American Songbook to Disney classics like “Cruella de Ville” and others. The group also transforms into the Cadaver Dans each Halloween season, singing spooky songs at Mickey’s Not-So-Scary Halloween Party. The group will also sing “Happy Birthday” when they spot park Guests wearing birthday buttons, and welcome fellow barbershoppers to join them in performances. There’s even a special card they’ll give to singers who join them.
The Dans perform throughout the day on Main Street U.S.A., with each performance lasting about twenty minutes. Dressed in straw hats, colorful pinstripe suits, and bowties, they’re impossible to miss.
As you mosey down Main Street, make a point of stopping and listening to The Dapper Dans. While their brilliant harmonies fill the air, it’s easy to imagine that you’ve stepped back in time. Perhaps Walt and Lillian Disney are standing there beside you on summer afternoon, smiling and clapping to their favorite tunes. Who knows? It’s the Magic Kingdom. It just might be true.