The Weird and Wonderful Citizens of Hollywood

The one and only Marilyn Monroe once said, “Hollywood’s a place where they’ll pay you a thousand dollars for a kiss, and fifty cents for your soul. I know because I turned down the first offer often enough and held out for the fifty cents.” For her part, Candice Bergen once said that La La Land was “like Picasso’s bathroom.” Bearing these two quotes in mind, you can imagine that Tinseltown draws some curious residents with outlandish personalities.
For instance, there is the delightfully ditzy Betty Shambles, who is engaged in a never ending quest to find true love, or at least a reasonable facsimile thereof. There is also Evie Starlight, the glamorous starlet. It may surprise you to learn that Evie once had ambitions to become a rocket scientist. She was even voted “Most Likely to Win the Nobel Peace Prize” in high school. So, how did she become a Hollywood actress? She fell out of a tree and hit her head. From then on, she walked with a rather suggestive wiggle. The brain damage from the fall stole her science ambitions, but the wiggle made her perfect for Hollywood.
I am talking, of course, about the inimitable Citizens of Hollywood and Walt Disney World’s Hollywood Studios. They are the quirky and curious, multi-talented residents of the City of Angels and they are meetable at the park every day from 9 a.m. to 5:30 p.m.
The Citizens can be found around Sunset Boulevard and Hollywood Boulevard. They sing, tell jokes, perform skits, and even perform the occasional magic trick, and are more than worth the few minutes it takes to stop and watch their show. In true Disney fashion, every character has a fully developed personality and backstory, and each character is as big and bizarre as the world of Hollywood itself. Be warned, you may be asked to join in the insanity, and when it’s all over the characters are more than happy to pose for pictures and sign autographs.
One word of warning, if you are an unmarried man, or if you’re significant other is too far away, Betty Shambles will probably try to go home with you.